
Family Camp Online 2020 Archive

Box and String Show

Sarah Gowan, Bill Quern
Meet the elusive Jackie, visit the Clootie Wall, see a weird instrument show and tell, and more!

Clogging Fun

Sarah Gowan, Bill Quern
Learn a few clogging steps. All ages and levels.

Craft Center: Cups, Cups, and More Cups!

Sarah Gowan, Bill Quern
Cup song, paper cup crankies, and stupid cup stunts. See the resources folder for a list of the materials you'll need.

Craft Center: Sticks and Stars

Sarah Gowan
A virtual crafting session for families. See the resources folder for a list of the materials you'll need.

Evening Campfire

All Staff
Campers and staff will share songs, stories and movement. Bring s'mores or another treat!

Evening Gathering 1

Bill Quern, John Krumm, Tom Krumm, Joakim Lartey, Stanley Fowler
End the day with jamming, moving, singing, and stories for the whole family.

Evening Gathering 2

Maggie Shar, Annie Stevenson, Joakim Lartey, Bill & Sarah
End the day with jamming, moving, singing, and stories for the whole family.

Family Partner Nature Scavenger Hunt: Start!

Beverly Lazar Davis
Enjoy time away from your computer and find yourselves outside on a natural creative mission. See the resources folder for the description.

Farewell Jam

John Krumm, Jay Ungar, Molly Mason, All Staff
Sing, play, and dance along one last time!

Joakim’s Choice

Joakim Lartey
Spend an hour with our resident drummer/storyteller.

Meet the Staff, Welcome Jam and Sing-a-long

All Staff
Our great teaching staff will introduce themselves and share a sampling of what they’ll be teaching at camp. Then, we kick off the camp with a jam for all ages! Sing or play along.

Mid Day Gathering 1

John Krumm, Tom Krumm, Peter Davis, Beverly Lazar Davis
Announcements and conversation followed by round robin songs and games.

Mid Day Gathering 2

Peter Davis, Beverly Lazar Davis, John Krumm, Bill & Sarah
Announcements and conversation followed by songs and games from around the world. See resource folder for lyrics.

Mid Day Gathering 3

Joakim Lartey, Maggie Shar, Annie Stevenson, Tom Krumm, Beverly Lazar Davis
Announcements and conversation followed by round robin songs and games.

Moving with the Ranger

Stanley Fowler
Explore the world of movement and nature with our own dancing park ranger!

Ukulele for Kids

Maggie Shar
A fun introduction to the uke for kids five years old and up.


Maggie Shar
Learn a tune and some practice ideas. All ages and levels.

Family Partner Nature Scavenger Hunt: Wrap-up

Beverly Lazar Davis
Share your findings from the hunt!

Fiddle and Mandolin (Beginner)

Tom Krumm
Learn some tunes and some practice ideas. All ages with a focus on folks who have less experience.

Fiddle and Mandolin (Int/Adv)

Tom Krumm
Learn some tunes and some practice ideas. All ages with a focus on folks who have a bit more experience.


John Krumm
Learn the basics of accompanying songs and fiddle tunes. All levels.

Little Roots Jam

Maggie Shar, Annie Stevenson
An acoustic, hands-on, interactive music experience for children up to seven years old and their grown-ups.

Play and Sing Easy Songs Together

Peter Davis
Peter will provide everything you need to have a good time singing and playing. All instruments.


Peter Davis
If you have a family/group song to practice, we can do it here. Then if you want, you can perform it at Campfire Night. If you don't have anything prepared, we'll just have fun playing and singing and making up songs together here in class!

Ukulele (Beginner)

Maggie Shar
If you have already been introduced to the uke, take the next steps! All ages welcome.



EMAIL events@ashokancenter.org 
CALL 845-657-8333 x28