The Ashokan Center seeks like-minded companies who want to align with our mission to teach, inspire and build community through shared experiences in nature, history, music and art. Sponsorships support Ashokan’s outdoor environmental education programs, cultural events, youth scholarships, and community outreach.
The Winter Hoot & Summer Hoot music festivals at the Ashokan Center provide a festive opportunity to share our appreciation for our sponsors. These events attract thousands of people from the Hudson Valley, NYC, and beyond, who have an interest in intergenerational joy, learning, and appreciation for culture and nature.
Do good & uplift your brand through the Ashokan Center marketing channels:
See other companies & organizations who support us
View most recent Annual Report
Confirm by June 30 to get acknowledged at BOTH the Winter Hoot & the Summer Hoot (last weekend in Aug)
Hands – $500+
Giving Trees – $1000+
Soaring Eagles – $5000+
Ashokan Center Heroes – $10,000+
ALL sponsors receive complimentary Hoot tickets and are invited to attend special gratitude receptions on the Friday evening of each Hoot festival
Opportunities for Individual Donors
Interested in giving as an individual, family, or in honor of a loved one? Mention the Hoot when you make a donation for special mention in our print program and thank-you from the stage.
To make your gift please click the button below or contact Sara Trapani 845-657-8333 x15