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Ashokan stories

Uke Fest with Ben Hassenger

Ben Hassenger’s musical career began in the early 1970s when he was arrested for playing “Smoke on the Water” on accordion and singing in animal sounds in the cafeteria at Lansing Community College. It was the start of something special,

Nettle Pesto by Liz Neves

Try Liz Neves’s Nettle Pesto recipe: Every spring I make a Nettle pesto and each year it’s a bit different. It’s highly adaptable! You’ll have to know I’m a guess-timator and fan of winging things. *Take care when handling raw

Awaken to Plants with Liz Neves

I am excited to have had the chance to chat with Liz Neves about plant medicine. Liz guided me to the Ashokan Center in 2020 when I was looking for places to connect with nature and the wild Hudson Valley.

Indigenous History with Justin Wexler

We got to chat with Justin Wexler of Wild Hudson Valley and ask a few questions about the area’s indigenous culture. You can learn more from Justin at Ashokan’s Spring Explorations: Indigenous History walk on May 5 from 2-4pm at

Getting to Know the Dobro with Alex Sens

We sat down to get to know a little about Alex Sens and an instrument called the dobro. Alex will be teaching dobro at Ashoksn’s upcoming Bluegrass Camp as well as leading classes on the art of jamming. He has

Q&A with Interpreter of Black Folk Music, Jake Blount

We recently got to chat with Jake Blount on how his musical journey brought him to Ashokan’s Old Time Rollick year-after-year. Jake Blount (pronounced: blunt) is an award-winning interpreter of Black folk music based in Providence, RI. Let’s start on