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Ashokan stories

3rd Youth Empowerment & Sustainability Summit

From February 21 – 23, the Ashokan Center held its 3rd Youth Empowerment & Sustainability Summit (YESS!). Students from grades 6 – 12 assembled from the Hudson Valley, Adirondacks, New York City, Massachusetts, and Connecticut for this immersive, three-day event.

Enhance Your Music Practice with Strum Machine App

Do you use a metronome or backing tracks while practicing? Strum Machine (https://strummachine.com/app) came as a recommended practice tool from Hilary Hawke (teacher from 2023’s Banjo Weekend!). The full version is not free, but Ashokan Farewell happens to be one

The Pulp Mill

Behold the old pulp mill at Winchell’s Falls on Esopus Creek, now part of the Ashokan Center. Esopus Creek has been a source of food, water, transportation, power, and recreation for thousands of years. The Esopus was first dammed at

Birds of Winter

Just as we have unique birds that visit us during the warmer months, we also have birds who visit us in winter! This time of year, we tend to see different waterfowl, such as this Hooded Merganser. These beautiful birds

Ashokan Receives Grant from New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA)

The Ashokan Center has received a grant totaling $49,500 per year for two-years from the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) to support the nonprofit arts and culture sector. Through New York State’s continued investment in arts and

YESS! Alumni Recognized for Environmental Work

Congrats to Bennett Elementary School students and instructional coach, Karen Hadley, for being recognized for their work in reducing the use of plastic and removing it from the waste stream! You may remember these students and their presentation from YESS!